This is a two-part workshop on October 29 and November 5. Participants are invited to a dinner social following each meeting. RSVP to Michael Cornett at for each workshop and for both the workshop and the dinner social.
The first workshop, "Turning Papers and Dissertation Chapters into Scholarly Articles" (with Michael Cornett), considers issues of audience, structure, and style. The talk will be interactive, allowing for much question and discussion. The second workshop, "The Trials of Submission" (with Michael Cornett and Taylor McCall), will focus on submitting articles to journals, looking at the nuts and bolts of the submission process and how authors can avoid or cope with major trials.
Dr. Michael Cornett is Managing Editor of the Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies published by Duke University Press, and he is the Associate Director for Duke's Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Dr. Cornett has given many talks on publishing at MLA, the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, and at other universities, as well as for various campus groups at Duke. While serving as president of the Council of Editors of Learned Journals, he developed the ever-popular "Chat with an Editor" program at MLA. He has published articles on journal publishing in the Journal of Scholarly Publishing, New Chaucer Studies: Pedagogy and Profession, and the MLA journal Profession, for which he edited, with Jana Argersinger, a special collection, "The Profession of Journal Editing and the Intellectual Life of the Academy." He also has served as the chair of CELJ's Mediation Board, which helps to resolve conflicts between authors and journal publishers, and he serves on the editorial board of College Literature.
Dr. Taylor McCall is Managing Editor of Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies and has held positions at the British Library, University College London, and Christie's. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge and previously studied at the Courtauld Institute of Art and the University of Virginia. In addition to her first book, The Art of Anatomy in Medieval Europe (Reaktion, 2023), she has published several articles on medieval art and medicine, as well as a commentary volume to a facsimile of Sloane MS 1975, an illuminated herbal in the British Library (Müller and Schindler, 2024).